Former Salesforce President and Former BearingPoint Vice President to Lead New Marketing Team

pluszero(head office: Setagaya-ku, Tokyo; hereafter "pluszero"), a company that provides, develops, maintains, and operates solutions for various technologies such as AI and natural language processing, has launched two new marketing teams, the "Servitization Promotion Council" and the "Customer Success Promotion Council," with the aim of further creating customer value.

Background of the new teams
Since its establishment in 2018, pluszero has been sincerely addressing the challenges of customers in diverse industries with the vision of "expanding the human potential". We have decided to launch two new marketing teams in order to go beyond the current service development and provide even more valuable services to our customers in the future.
Introduction of the new teams
Servitization Promotion Team
pluszero's strength lies in the field of natural language processing, which is the next main battlefield of AI. We are currently developing various technologies to realize an "engine that understands language like a human". In the future, we will develop technologies and services that will enable AI to be used for more specific tasks and provide them to our customers, and we have launched the "Servitization Promotion Team" for the purpose of promoting the development of services. Led by Mr. Uda, former president of and an advisor to pluszero, we will provide innovations that will change the future.
Customer Success Promotion Team
pluszero not only solves the given data and issues, but also provides comprehensive services from issue discovery and system construction to final maintenance and operation to solve the issues of our customers. In order to provide optimal services that are even more in line with the challenges of our customers, we have launched the Customer Success Promotion Team, led by Yasuhito Kageyama, former Vice President of BearingPoint. We will actively propose AI/DX to our customers for their success and aim to optimize the collaboration between AI and people.
Advisor Profile
Product Market Fit Adviser
Eiji Uda
Eiji Uda

He has been a director of IBM Japan, President of Softbank Commerce, EVP, Inc. and President and CEO of Japan, and realized the world's largest business in each company. (Currently) Founder and Chairman CEO of Unified Services, Inc. and Chairman of YEXT Japan, and Outside Director of several other companies. The most important thing in business is to be trusted and not to betray that trust. As a result, I have been able to achieve various successes with the support of many people. I have been in my current position since October 2020.
Customer Success Promotion Adviser
Yasuhito Kageyama
Yasuhito Kageyama

After graduating from the Faculity of Science and Engineering at Waseda University, he worked for foreign and Japanese consulting firms in IT, management, operations, and risk management consulting. He has 40 years of experience as a managing partner of several domestic and international consulting firms. He has also headed the back office of a foreign bank and managed the sales and solutions division of a Japanese IT company. With his experience in consulting, management and advisory, he has been in his current position since October 2020.
Company Profile
Company name
pluszero Corporation
100 million yen
Name of representative
Yoshiyuki Ojiro / Ryota Mori
Business Description
Provision, development, maintenance, operation, and sales of solutions that integrate various technologies such as AI, natural language processing, software, and hardware, as well as contract and consulting services related to these.
pluszero Corporation
100 million yen
Name of representative
Yoshiyuki Ojiro / Ryota Mori
Business Description
Provision, development, maintenance, operation, and sales of solutions that integrate various technologies such as AI, natural language processing, software, and hardware, as well as contract and consulting services related to these.